
Monday, August 23, 2010

Yes, a run!

I wasn't sure how it would work out but my Friday walk/run did indeed turn into a run! All in all, I walked for almost .5 miles and ran for 2.6 miles, for a total distance of 3.1 miles. Again, I felt really, really good with my running pace hovering right around 9:50/mile.

On Saturday, my walk/run was primarily a walk with a very little bit of running tossed in and, yesterday I worked out with my exercise tv on demand pals because I felt like it. Plus it was raining and I wasn't into that.

Anyway, a solid weekend of workouts overall so I'm pleased!

I'm even more pleased to share that Bridget, Janis and Jen, who were all in my new runners group, threw down some solid times at the 5K on Saturday. They each ran PRs -- so awesome! It's just really cool to see them all sticking with running. They're addicts!

Hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was very productive and yet relaxing. I even managed to read The Help, which I highly recommend. It's a quick read so if you haven't read it and you have a little bit of time, check it out.

Happy Monday, everyone. Have a great week!

~ Felice

PS: My Jakfish giveaway ends tonight (pair of capris and a top). Don't miss it!


  1. way to go!! glad the body and baby are still letting you do some running.

    i have wanted to read that book, but hadn't seen any reviews so I was holding off. thanks

  2. That is an awesome pca you are maintaining! Glad you enjoyed another run. Congrats to the girls!!!

  3. YAY!! Great job on the runs and walks! I have been wanting to read The Help - Just need to get it from the library!

  4. Sounds like you're doing great! ...and good job girls!

  5. Glad you had a great weekend. I could use a little more relaxing in mine! :)

  6. Nicely done with your run! So glad the baby was feelin' it! Also congrats your running group ladies! Well done!

  7. nice job! and congrats to all who ran and PR'd!

  8. I'm just starting The Help and looking forward to it. So glad you didn't completely hang up your running shoes!

  9. Great job - sounds like you had a really enjoyable run! PLUS a little exercise quality time with your On Demand peeps - nice!

  10. Yay to the running! Glad you're feeling up to it. :)

  11. You are still super fast (I know not for you, but in general) for being so far a long. You are going to bouce right back post-birth :) Way to stay awesome!

  12. You are still super fast (I know not for you, but in general) for being so far a long. You are going to bouce right back post-birth :) Way to stay awesome!

  13. Yay for runs! Glad you are still able to get out there. And you're running right about my easy pace preggo, which means you rock. ;)

    Never would have thought it was so addicting but here I am, training for olypic tri #1 and half marathon #3 in the next 3 months because I am INSANE.

  14. Sounds like a great weekend. I also read 'The Help' and fell in love with all the characters. I heard they are turning it into a movie.

  15. A run is a run is a run! Yay!

    I've been wanting to read The Help for awhile... will have to pick it up!


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