
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Weird and good.

Yesterday evening's run was just a weird one. I had decided to set out as soon as Owen got home but, as is my luck, it started to drizzle at the same time. OK, no big deal, I thought. It's only a drizzle and I can handle a drizzle.

But then Owen mentioned the flies.

Apparently, yesterday was the day that hundreds of thousands of pesky, gross flies decided to hatch and swarm around wherever their pesky little wings decided to take them. They were everywhere! But, I was dressed for the run and I felt up for it so I had to go.

As soon as I started running, of course, I felt like I had to pee but I tried to push it out of my mind. Instead, I focused on keeping my mouth closed so that I wouldn't breathe in any of the flies. The flies weren't all that bad, actually, because I think the drizzle kept them mostly away. But they were around and I had to swat several of them off my arms and face.

About 1.5 miles into the run, my calves felt tired. Suck it up, I told myself. It is only your calves. And I did. I sucked it up and pushed on. Had it been baby-related pain, I would have stopped. But, calves? Nah, I had to keep going. So I did and I finished 3.1 drizzly, fly-infested miles on tired calves. Boy, those miles felt good!

Then I whipped up a dinner of slow-roasted tomatoes (from our garden) and chicken sausage (made by my dad) over pasta. My guys loved it.

Yup, a good evening at Chez Happy Runner! Even with the flies :-)

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

~ Felice


  1. Great run! The flies have been out lately! I almost got one in my eye yesterday!

    dinner sounds so yummy!

  2. I've been attacked by gnats outside lately. stupid bugs.

  3. Glad you got your run always feels good when you are done--flies, tired calves and all!

  4. any run is a good run, but you didn't mention if the spirit of death descended on the city, what about all the first born - are they ok? Maybe that's on Thursday LOL

  5. I got attacked by flies yesterday during my run too! craazy gross. eew! My running buddy actually got a knat in her eye! i had to fish it out before we could keep running again! lol.

  6. That sounds delicious!

    Congrats on your run, sounds great!

  7. i'm just glad i don't seem to have these monstrous flies that i read of on a few blogs! way to stick it out. bugs and i... don't get along so well :)

  8. You are amazing!! How many weeks are you? At 28 weeks i am managing 2 long runs a week ....long = 5 to 6 miles i hope i can keep it up.... So inspiring to see you running... Great job :)

  9. Congrats on making it through that run and not swallowing a million flies!

    Your dinner sounds great, too!

  10. EWWW, I hate those teeny tiny flies that get all over you. Great job on the run - glad you were able to push through!

  11. Way to go on a good run. Hope your calves feel ok today.

    Funny thing.. when I walk, I get hit in the face with some kind of big flying bug but they seem to miss me when running.

  12. That's great! You did an awesome job! Sorry about the flies and the rainy weather!

  13. The flies hit here on Tuesday! Gosh, they were nasty! Glad you were able to complete your run!

  14. Glad to hear you didn't accidentally gulp down any unwanted protein during your run. Ugghhh...I can't STAND flies!

  15. I HATE FLIES!!! nice job getting your run done :)


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