Monday, July 6, 2009

A runner. And a rambler.

I read something this morning that fit right in with some thoughts that I've been having lately.

On Friday, MizFit, from MizFitOnline, wrote about the quote, "You are what you repeatedly do."

(I don't want to steal her content so I won't rehash what she wrote. You can read it yourself, if you are interested. And, by the way, if you don't already visit her site you really, really should. It's awesome.)

I've been thinking around that idea for a while -- thinking about habits, thoughts, etc. But, until I read MizFit's post I didn't actually think about how what I do really is who I am. When you stop to think about it, it's pretty heavy! "You are what you repeatedly do."

So, am I a runner? Sure, I repeatedly run. I ran while away on our little beach trip (twice!) and I run regularly in general. I like to run. I consider myself a runner. I run. I'm a runner.

But what else? I'm giving some thought to the whole personal side but since this is a running blog I'll skip that. As a runner, who am I? What do I repeatedly do?

Looking at my logs, I'm a 4-5 mile, mid-paced runner. I say I want to be faster but I'm not repeatedly running fast. I say I'd like some more endurance but I'm not repeatedly running longer distances. I say I love running hills and -- well, whaddya know? I repeatedly run hills!

I go back and forth with the quality of my running. Some months are filled with quality runs, others not so much. Some months are filled with purpose and, again, others not so much. What do I really want as a runner, I wonder? Yes, I'd like to run a sub-23 minute 5k. And, I'd like to run a marathon next year. But those are specific goals, they aren't definitions of me, the runner.

Or, are they? If I look at that and think about what it is I am doing, I see that I am striving. I'm striving to be a better runner. I'm striving to figure out the balance with my running and my life, as well as with hard and easy runs. I repeatedly strive to do better. To run more sensibly. To run better.

I guess that's who I am right now: A striving runner. Beyond that, I'm still figuring it out. I don't want to sell myself short by not pushing toward my goals but I also don't ever want to burn out and not enjoy running. So I'll think some more about this idea, "You are what you repeatedly do." Striving runner. And hill runner, mom runner, mid-pack runner, happy runner. Runner. Those definitions work. I might be more. We'll see.

Right now, it seems like I'm a bit of a rambler! Sheesh! So I'll just wrap up and send you all some (late) happy Monday wishes. I'm trying to get back in the groove after a long weekend away. And the sun has been shining all day. Woo hoo! Could July really be the sunny month I've been hoping for? My fingers are crossed for that to be the case!

~ Felice


Quix said...

I wish I could share your love of hills. Those are my most hated workouts ever.

I liked MizFit's post too. You are what you repeatedly do is powerful stuff. I am a runner who enjoys medium distances (4-6 miles), interval training, and one who enjoys training for races more than training for the sake of training. I am also a runner who needs to cross train and a runner who likes a vacation from running every once in a while.

The personal side, yep, I got some thinking to do there too.

Mel-2nd Chances said...

Amazing post. I'm still on the road to discovering who i am, but I know I like the new me a lot more than the old me. :)

Jon (was) in Michigan said...

I am what I repeatedly do?

Oh great!

I'm a screw-up!

Heather said...

Striving runner is a great thing to be! I'm right there with you.

Sher said...

I guess that means that in addition to be a runner,and a pianist, I'm a time-waster on the computer, and a yeller at my kids.

Unknown said...

i think i'm a hill runner too. :-)

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

GREAT POST!! I am a "Sucky Hill runner," I repeatedly get killed by Hills. And I am now a Marathoner, I think training for and completing a Marathon counts..not sure I will repeatedly do it... LOL

Thanks for this post..

Anonymous said...

great post! yeah, i'm a runner again, after a many years hiatus---and that makes me feel a lot better :o)

definitely good food for thought on the personal side, too.

Diana said...

I think her post really struck a cord with many of us as several of us wrote about that :) It really is a great line though. And, I love that it makes us realize that the power is with us!
Great reflection on your part.

Aron said...

great post!!! runner and rambler definitely describe me too :)

Marci said...

Great post!
I love to run and ramble, and now I think tri's will be in my future.

Miz said...

thanks for the link love and the honor of my post sparking yours.

Im not where I wish to be yet---but Im striving to do better. TO LIVE MORE SENSIBLY. and to find balance as well.

J said...

I read MizFit's post and it was very thought provoking. It really makes you look at day to day what you actually do and not just what you say you do! And you are a runner!

Anonymous said...

This is such a great post! I am going to have to reflect on and figure out all that I am.

Lindsay said...

you are definitely a striving runner among many other wonderful things :)

i like that you love the hills. you gotta - all the competition dreads them!

joyRuN said...

Your rambling is always so eloquent!

Loving hills - wow.

Marlene said...

Excellent post and thanks for the link to MizFit - I'll have to check her out!

Denise said...

Uh oh...I guess I'm a runner w/ an addiction to peanut butter then.

RunToTheFinish said...

well I don't wanted to be known as the injured runner, so i'll just stop that cycle right now!

hmm what kind of runner am I.. really I'd say I"m a passionate runner. i just love it cause I love it

Laura said...

I love that quote. Success is definitely a habit.

Lori said...

Great post. I've actually been thinking about my running a lot this week. I've fallen behind a bit and don't feel like I'm progressing, but I'm still hopeful. I do like the fact that I can call myself a runner now b/c this time last year, that wasn't the case. :)

Terri said...

I think all of those things are perfectly fine too, especially if they make u a happy runner. I don't think u could have come up with a better name your blog honestly! Great post, Felice.

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