So far, this here month of May is shaping up to be a good one.
On Saturday, I ran a 10K. Not a goal race, not even a race I'd been planning to run. Just a 10K that had been on my mind for a bit and that I decided earlier in the week to run.
I went to the race with Bridget and Janis and we met up with Kara at the registration table and set out to run 2 miles before the race started. We did -- but those 2+ miles were goofy. We ran with our goody bags back to Bridget's car. Break. Then we ran for about a mile until we hit the bathrooms. Another break. Then we ran toward Kara's car -- only we couldn't get there because we went the wrong way and it ended up that there were train tracks in our way and we had no interest in jumping them! So, another break.
Finally, we hit the starting line warmed-up from our almost 2.5 miles.
I said good luck to my friends and kept my eye out for my cousin, Kate. I found her and her boyfriend, Felix, and their friend Kyla just before the race started. After the start, I ran with Felix for about a minute before he sped off (and finished in a wicked fast 45:14 -- 7th overall!).
Look at me, hanging with the 20-somethings --
Me, Kate, Kyla, Felix |
I had it in my mind that I would try to
run 8 minute miles and that I would restrain myself and run a slower first half than second.
Now, if you've ever read one of my race reports, you know that I am just about
the worst race starter there is. I start too fast. Pretty much every single time I race. Seriously.
On Saturday, though, I paced myself and
ran a smart, strong, solid race. Check out the splits for my first 3 miles:
Mile 1: 8:00
Mile 2: 7:50
Mile 3: 7:51
The race was an out-and-back course, going out for a 5K and then turning around at a cone and going back to the finish for 5K. At the turn-around, a nice volunteer yelled out our 5K splits. Mine was 24:39.
Heading back, I got to see all my friends who were racing and give them some high-5s. It was so invigorating! I think that boost helped me run a faster second half. Well, that and holding myself back for those first miles.
Here are the rest of my mile splits:
Mile 4: 7:45
Mile 5: 7:46
Mile 6: 7:47
last .2: 7:43 pace
Hello, negative splits! I love it.
My friend Elisa made me smile with about a half mile to go. |
It was a great race. I felt like I was definitely pushing myself, but also running well within my capabilities. The only downer was that my wonky pelvis couldn't contain itself and I felt discomfort in my right hip and hamstring for most of the race. Not cool.
I didn't dwell too much on that because I was busy cheering enthusiastically for my friends and family as they crossed the finish line!
Strong Running Mamas! Jennifer, Janis, me, Kara, Bridget, Elisa |
Bridget, Janis and I had to book-it home so we took off before wishing friends -- including
our best cheerleader, Elisa -- good luck in the 5K. And then we took our racers' highs out into the world of baseball games and birthday parties. You know, the regular weekend mom stuff!
Here are my race stats:
Overall time: 48:56
Overall pace: 7:53
Age group (F 40-49): 1 out of 15
Overall female: 5 out of 76
Overall place: 15 out of 127
Oh! That's right, I was first in my age group. How's that for a good race?
Now, I'm feeling all kinds of ready for the half-marathon. Just 3 weeks to go!
Thanks for stopping by -- and have a great week!