Thursday, June 3, 2010

May recap and race goals.

May was a good month: I ran a race, continued training the new runners in my running group and logged my highest monthly mileage of the year! This whole second trimester thing rocks!

And I'll take it because in a month or so I probably will be walking most of my miles. The heat, having to pee . . . it all takes a toll. Wah, wah, wah.

May stats:

Running (miles): 76.7
Cross-training (sessions): 1

Ha! One cross-training session. Why did I even bother? Who knows . . .

But the mileage looks good to me. As I've said before, my goal has been to run about 17-20 miles per week for as long as I can. My May weekly average was just over 19. Yay! I expect that will decrease from here on out but that's OK.

So, that's May. Now it is June and I have a race coming up in, oh, just two days. This Saturday is the big Freihofer's Run for Women and it is The Race that "my runners" have spent the past three months training for. I can't tell you how excited I am for them. It's going to be awesome, I just know it!

But, there is this little issue of my running. As in, what should I do?

The cautious part of me thinks I should run easy and just shoot to finish. Period. Just take it slow. You're not going to set any records so why push yourself?

The runner part of me . . . well, she has some different thoughts. She thinks I should go for it and see how fast I can run. This could be your last race during this pregnancy. Don't you want to see how well you can run at 5.5 months? Don't you want to give it your all?

Argh! OK, yeah. The thing is, I think I do want to give it my all. I do want to see how well I can run!

Now, though, what does "give it my all" mean this time around? Last year I ran the same 5K in 23:47, a 7:40 pace. Three weeks ago, I ran a 3.5-mile race in 29:59, an 8:34 pace. So, based on those two races I believe I could run the race in about 27 minutes, an 8:40 pace. That will be my A goal and I'm giving myself a B and C goal, too. Here they are:

A goal: 27:00 or better
B goal: 27:56 (9min/mi)
C goal: 31:00 (10min/mi)

I have no doubt I'll reach at least one of those goals, provided I don't have to stop to pee. If I do -- and there's a decent possibility that I'll have to -- then all bets are off!

Until then . . . yay for almost Friday! Thanks for stopping by.

~ Felice

PS: Don't forget to enter my CSN gift card giveaway!


Jen said...

Run your race and see how you feel! If you can, GO FOR IT!!! You surprised yourself last time!!! Remember, your amazing know matter what you do!

Manderz said...

My goal is 27 mins - who am I kidding LOL!!! I cant wait to see how everyone does on saturday

Darlene said...

I'm so excited for the new runners. I think you did a great job preparing them. I think I need more than one goal so I'm not disappointed.
A under 30 minutes
B better than last year (35 their time but 32 my time)
C finish

Pining for Pinterest said...

You are going to do awesome!! I can't wait to hear about it!

Denise said...

great month!! good luck this wknd, don't push it in this heat!

Jocelyn said...

You did pretty good in May if you ask me! I am so bad at cross training, I just love running so much more! I like your goals for your race. I agree to run your race and just have fun. Don't worry too too much about time. I am sure you will be happy with your results no matter what

Karen said...

If you are feeling it then go for it!!!! I am excited to hear how your runners do :)

Aron said...

nice job on may and have a great race this weekend!!

Suzy said...

Your group is ready! If you are up for it, you should go for it this weekend! Me, no goals because I really don't like the sheer number of people or the up down or the distance so I'll be there for the experience.

J said...

I think you should totally go for it! Hopefully everything will work out great and you will rock the race!

I Run for Fun said...

Awesome work, Felice! You rock! Your running is going so well. 8:34pace in your second trimester...especially in this heat...incredible!

All the best at the race...have a blast!

Marlene said...

Nice mileage for May!

Good luck at the race, and good luck to your ladies!

Midwest said...

I think as long as you realize that your all is not the same as it was before, you'll be fine. Relax and run the very best race you can on that day.

Lauren @ mostly i run said...

You're really doing great!

Let your body decide how you'll race on Saturday. Any outcome is a good one, right? Have fun!

Unknown said...

Ah, the old devil versus angel it hard or just have fun? I'm thinking about that right now too but maybe we'll have some confirmation on race day? Have FUN, no matter what!

ajh said...

Have fun with your running group! Very exciting. I love multiple goals.

Anne said...

How exciting to witness your group reaching their goal!
...and YOU are awesome, no matter how fast or slow you run that race.

Heather said...

You are doing awesome with your running. Good luck this weekend! (and good luck to all your runners too!)

Anonymous said...

Whatever you decide...just have fun!!

Lindsay said...

don't get too caught up worrying about your time - have fun! (i know you will) :)

love that your highest montly mileage is also as you further along in your pregnancy! crazy running-mother :)

Jen said...

Hey! I found your blog through Amanda and I love it! Its so awesome to see some more local running blogs! Congrats on the mileage.. Hope you had fun running the Freihofer's..I was there too! :)

JenLo said...

I saw you from afar with your running group! I'm sure everybody did great!

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