Saturday, April 2, 2011

I did it!

Half marathon "A" goal . . . check!

Age group: 8/107 (40-44)

I beat my A goal by almost 2 minutes!
Race report to come. This happy runner needs a little rest.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

~ Felice


RW said...

Amazing! Congratulations!!!

justme said...


lou lou said...

congratulations!! you rocked it!

H Love said...

Yippee!! great!!

Abby @ Have Dental Floss, Will Travel said...

Nice work! You earned this one!

thea said...

Congrats!! So inspiring!

Running 365 said...

Great work!

Marci said...

I can't believe this was your first half!! You totally rocked it, congratulations!!!

Lindsay said...

that's awesome!!! congrats!

J said...

AHHH!! Congrats! Nice job!

HudkinsFamily said...

So happy for you - can't wait to read your recap!

Laura said...

Nice job!!! You should be so proud!!!

Anonymous said...

Super duper!

Melissa said...

That's amazing! Looking forward to reading the recap.

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

yay!!! you rock!! :)

Zero4 said...

Congratulations!!! That's Phenomenal!!!

Little Miss Runshine said...

CONGRATS!!!!! :)

Suzy said...

Congrats the the Speedy Happy Runner! You were awesome. Sorry I didn't see you after the race, my kiddos were done waiting and sitting so we took off pretty quickly.

Laura said...

CONGRATS!! What a great result.

Felice Devine said...

Suzy -- we took off shortly after the race ended, too. Happens when you travel with kids!!

Running For Two said...

CONGRATS!! Way to meet your goals. You are one fast Mama!!

I did my half over the weekend "along" with you per your challenge... I posted about my not so fast or happy run here. My actual race is still 4 weeks away.

Lauren @ mostly i run said...

You rock! Can you carry me thru my next half marathon? I'm still trying to beat two hours :)

Quix said...

You are such a rockstar! Congrats again on a great finish! :) Same as above - someday I'll beat 2 hours...

Karen said...

You were flying, congratulations! Sadly, my virtual run did not go as well. I ended up being a DNF :( I started out with a short run on Saturday but didn't have the leg power to finish it up Sunday. Oh, the guilt...

So happy for your fantastic run!

Chic Runner said...

Congrats! :) What a good race and way to hit your goal :) I can't wait to read more!

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