Alternatively titled: The good, the bad, and the gross.
This is a tough race report to write. I'd really been looking forward to race weekend and, overall, I had a good time. But I also had a hard time in the race and I've been trying to deal with that, which, admittedly, is not easy.
Anyway . . .
I left for Cape Cod early Friday afternoon. It was a good trip -- a little traffic, but nothing major. I got to the hotel around 5, cleaned myself up a bit and headed down to the expo.
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The view from my room. |
I grabbed my packet and hit the SkirtSports booth to meet Sandra. We chatted about running and marathons and running skirts -- of course! Then I spotted Tricia, who is the director of social media for ZOOMA. I've known her in the virtual world for quite a while so it was great to finally meet her in person!
It was also super to meet Dimity McDowell and Sarah Bowen Shea, the authors of Run Like a Mother (and frequent Runner's World contributors). Sarah was great -- we chatted about race goals and long runs and our shared love of Minneapolis. She's running the Twin Cities Marathon in two weeks and I'm feeling a little jealous!
After the expo, I met up with all of the other ZOOMA ambassadors for a cocktail party at the outdoor bar, which was so pretty. When we got there, the sun was setting and the view was gorgeous.
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At the ZOOMA party: Brooke,me, Tricia, Amy, Michelle, and Brae (the ZOOMA founder) |
I didn't sleep all that well but that's to be expected the night before a race -- especially the night before a race when staying at a hotel! I woke up at 5:30 and ate my peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread, rested a bit longer and then got going.
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Ready to keep going! |
The race started right at the hotel -- so perfect! I found my friend and fellow Strong Running Mama, Sheila, and after snapping a quick pic, we lined up together.
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That's me with Sheila before the race. |
Sheila and I had different goals for this race: Sheila was gunning for a PR (sub-1:48) and I was going for a strong run, with a finish of under 1:50 if I felt really good, under 1:55 if I felt just regular.
Right at 7:30, we took off. And starting running uphill. The course was described as having "rolling hills" but, you know what? After running it, I don't think those hills were so rolling. It was hilly. Period.
So, we ran. I felt good. Sheila and I ran together for about the first mile and then she started to pick up the pace a little and I knew that I needed to run my own race, so I dialed back a smidge and soon enough Sheila was a good 10 steps ahead of me, which was as it should be.
The first two miles were great. And then I got a side cramp, but it was no big deal. I can handle a little cramp. I kept running, poking my cramp now and then. After mile 3, the cramp seemed to go away. Only to come back with a vengeance.
Things get a little fuzzy around miles 4 and 5 . . . I felt terrible. I had goosebumps all over my body and felt like I was alternately freezing and boiling and then . . . it happened. I threw up.
Yup. I had to zip to the side of the road because it just came over me so quickly. (Although, thinking back, I know it was building for a while.)
Gross, I know.
I felt ridiculous. And angry with myself. And scared about what it meant. And then I wondered how I would make it through the rest of the race.
Remember my bracelet? The one telling me to Just Keep Going?
Well, thank goodness for that because I must have looked at it 100 times over the course of the remaining miles. And I kept going. You can walk, but you've got to finish.
I have to admit that I struggled and, like a fool, kept trying to push myself to get under that 1:55. So I'd try to pick up the pace, only to have the gawdawful cramp come rushing back. It was like that for miles. At one point, probably a mile from the finish line, I stopped. The cramp had gotten so bad and I felt like I was being stabbed with every step I took. I think I was a bit doubled-over when a fellow racer came up from behind and put her arm on me. I don't remember exactly what she said but it was uplifting and it helped get me started again.
I ran on. Up the hills toward the finish. As I got closer, one of the volunteers told me that if I hustled, I could break 2 hours.
So I hustled.
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Squeaking in just under 2 hours! |
After I crossed the line, I was given my finishers' necklace -- which I LOVE!
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Love, love, love. |
And then Sheila found me (she also snapped the picture of me crossing the finish line) and we talked about the race. Sheila rocked the race and set a HUGE PR -- she finished in 1:46:41 and was 2nd in her age group!! I was really happy for her and quite impressed! I can't wait to see how she does in her marathon in two weeks!
As for me, well, the race didn't go as planned. Not at all. I walked around after the race and then went back to my room to lie down and take a warm shower. Within an hour I was fine. What a weird experience.
Here's my race stats:
Official time: 1:59:57
Overall place: 81 out of 245
Age group place: 11 out of 31
Before heading home, I spent some time with Tricia and even remembered to get a picture of the two of us. Nice frizzy hair I have there, huh?
Thinking back about what happened, I place some blame on my food choices. I think the whole wheat bread and peanut butter didn't sit well. I can't imagine what else it could be. So, for my next race -- the Mohawk Hudson half in less than two weeks -- I'll make some fueling changes. I don't need a repeat of my side-of-the-road antics!
All in all, I had a very good time in Cape Cod for the ZOOMA race. I would totally do it again! The race was well organized and it was a pleasure to work with the team as an ambassador. I recommend this race series, for sure.
And now, I'm back. My Sunday recovery run was good and I'm hoping that I can get a few more good runs in before the next race.
In the meantime, let me ask this:
Have you ever thrown up in a race? Had awful cramps?
What did you learn from the experience? What changes did you make?
I'll take all the advice I can get!
Thanks for reading. Have a good day!
~ Felice
UGG! The only time I ever threw up while running, I was pregnant. Good to keep going for under two hours! That's awesome. Could be just a weird thing.
I had a 10k a few weekends ago where I got a wicked cramp (well, my entire stomach was a giant cramp) about 10 seconds after I started. I blame it on that I was going crazy trying to get my nike+ to turn on on my phone, and my tunes going. Had I just breathed, and relaxed, maybe I would have been fine. But, it ruined my race and I was sick the entire time.
Oh Felice I'm so sorry you had a tough time out there! How impressive that you still came in sub-2 hrs!
It was great meeting you! Good luck with the Mowhawk-Hudson!!
Looks like an amazing time, and cant beat that view!
You still ran a sub-two marathon despite puking! You go girl!!!
Amazing! I can't believe you puked and still had such a speedy time. You are one tough runner!
Despite the puking this sounds like a great race and I am adding it to my to-run list!
YOu are such a strong woman to have completed the half while having difficulties during the race. I have never thrown up during a race but have had issues with not enough fuel/bonking and dehydration. None of it is fun. I would definitely practice fueling with different foods during your training. Sometimes I find on race day it is best to stick with bland foods, banana, bagel with cream cheese pre-race because sometimes the nervous stomach and the wrong food can=disaster. Hopefully your next race will be a totally different experience and just think how fast you will go when you are feeling good! Congrats on the sub 2-hour finish despite feeling crummy.
It was so great to meet you! Hopefully we can hang out again at another race sometime!
Oh no Felice!!! I had no idea this happened!!! What a rockstar you are though to still finish in under 2 hours!!
I have had side cramps that have killed me before but I always thought they were from not hydrating enough. Good luck with your next race and it was AWESOME to meet you!!
Ugg that sounds horrible! So sorry your stomach was upset. I have totally been there and it is a miserable way to race but it happens sometimes. Hopefully it wont happen again!
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