My alarm came too early on Saturday morning. Yes, I was excited and raring to go. But, my little 2-monther has a cold and was up all night coughing, which means I was too. And so when the alarm went off at 7, I felt as if I hadn't slept at all and had to work hard to convince myself to get out of the bed.
I eventually got up, at my customary English muffin with peanut butter, drank a glass of water and a cup of coffee and then debated what to wear. It was cold on Saturday but sunny so I settled on a pair of running pants over a base layer (thin EMS leggings) on the bottom, and a long-sleeve shirt under a fleece on top. In retrospect, I didn't need the leggings but, enh, you live and learn.
I nursed Niall as much as possible and then it was time to go. There was a kids run before the 5K (race report to come!) so we wanted to get to the race early so Conal could run. I'm glad we did . . .
So, OK. The race. We got there, I met up with some awesome strong running mamas and Conal ran his race. Then it was time for me to nurse Niall again -- yes, that was me nursing my baby in the lobby while a bunch of serious runners stretched out. Yeah, let me say this for pre-race nursing: It's stressful. You're watching the clock (15 minutes to start time!); trying to keep the race bib out of the baby's face while not exposing too much of your own, well, you know; talking to yourself about not starting out too fast; ignoring the curious looks . . . aiy! The pressure!
But I managed the feeding and met back up with my pals. Here we are before the race:

Jen, Bridget, me, Janis
And here we are with Santa. And Darlene.
Janis, Jen, Santa, Bridget, me, Darlene
(we missed Amanda and Tami for the pic!)
After the requisite photos, we made our way to the starting line and then we were off!
As I mentioned in my last post, I had three goals for the race but I really wanted to go after my A goal of finishing under 25:13. So, I took off and weaved through the small crowd at the start, almost tripped over a dog that was running (?!?!) and smacked into a woman who had tripped over said dog's leash . . . and made my way to a clearing where I could run comfortably.
Oh, look! That's me!
Throughout the first and second miles I passed people and felt good. I was running more or less at the pace I was hoping for and figured I had a good shot at finishing right around 25:13. Because the course winded back and forth through a local park, Owen and the boys were able to cheer for me at a few different locations. That was awesome. The best was that each time I passed Conal, he cheered exuberantly and stuck out his hand to give me a High 5. I loved it!
But even my own personal cheering section wasn't enough to help me maintain my speed through mile 3. Just about as soon as I began the third mile I felt grateful for
B and C goals.
I faded. Big time. Where I felt strong in miles 1 and 2, I was just hanging on in mile 3. So much so, that I didn't even have a kick at the end. What's up with that?
I loped to the finish and crossed the line in 25:50, just short of my A goal, but pretty far ahead of my B goal of finishing under 27:11. So . . . not too shabby, all things considered. And, in fact, I felt pretty good with my time and the race overall.
Race stats:
Mile 1: 7:56
Mile 2: 8:01
Mile 3: 8:24 (?!?)
last .18: 1:29
Finish time: 25:50
Overall place: 40/227
Post-race: Jen, Janis, Bridget, me
I wanted to run hard and run strong and I did. I wanted to use the race to gauge my fitness and I'm happy to say that 8 weeks after having my baby, I'm feeling fit. I had a hard time in the last mile, sure, but it wasn't terrible, really. I never stopped. And since the race, my body has felt fine -- no lingering muscle soreness (other than my bum foot, but that's just the norm around here), no pelvic discomfort, nothing. So, yay! I'm back!
I didn't achieve my A goal, but that just means that I have something to strive for in my next race. And while I could be disappointed, I'm not. I'm putting this race result in the books as my
Masters 5K PR! I hope to shatter that record soon but, for now, it stands.
As a thank you to everyone for rooting me on in my first post-preggo race, here's a little photo for you to ponder over:
I don't even know what was going on there. Maybe he was going for
sunburn, windburn AND frostbite? Runners . . . sheesh . . .
Happy Monday, everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend!
~ Felice
Thanks to Jen for the photos!
Well done on the race!! only a few seconds short of the A goal really.... (and still faster than I ever went without ever being pregnant as far as I know)
Congrats lady! I think you did amazing. I cannot even imagine trying to nurse and then run. As a matter of fact, I cannot even imagine nursing. LOL! Well done!
sounds like quite the adventure with trying to fit it all in. congrats a on a great comeback!
Congrats on the race! You did absolutely amazing!! I am so impressed at how fast you have come back from the pregnancy! Super speedy!
Congrats on your first post-preggo race! You did awesome! I know how hard it can be to nurse and then race, (I'm at the same spot with baby #3 right now.) I'm also glad to hear about other mommies who run races 8 weeks post partum, because when I did it, I caught some heat from people. Keep it up!
Nursing 15 minutes before go time? That is hardcore!
Congrats on a strnog run, a great time and your masters 5K PR!
Overall place: 40/227 -- but I'll bet you were #1 in the post-partum division. Nice work!
I was at a 24-hour adventure race once where a woman - 3 months postpartum - actually carried a breast pump with her in her pack throughout the race so she could pump and dump. Unreal...
Great job post-baby!! Loved the pictures!! :) Your times are stellar--wuld've never thought it was your first race back!
Great job!!!
Great job post-baby!! Loved the pictures!! :) Your times are stellar--wuld've never thought it was your first race back!
Great job!!!
I thought the last mile was really hard too. There was one section going up hill and directly into the wind that I thought there was no way I was going to make my goal.
You, however, are simply amazing, 25:50! 8 weeks after baby! After nursing! A-MA-ZING!
Aimee -- I hope you gave the heat right back! You keep it up, too :-)
Abby -- Yeah, that's nuts!
Jen -- That section was tough and definitely made me want to stop!
Congrats on a great first race back! I love your cheering section - so great!
What a great first race after having your baby except for the sleepless night. Hope your little one gets well soon!
A huge congrats! You did great!
Great job on the race!
Welcome back! Way to go girl! You did GREAT!!! You could be the poster girl for post-baby running momma's!!!
I absolutely love that you nursed your little one right before the race. That is mommy dedication. Awesomeness.
Congrats on the awesome time!!!
Thanks, Lesley! There was no way he (or I!) would have made it through the race without that one last feeding. I needed to lighten my load :-)
congrats all the same! still an excellent race. i definitely wouldn't be running one this soon after baby #2, i know that much :) too bad you couldn't "show the belly"
awesome job!!! you know that A goal is so close!
Well hot-diggity-dog! I'd say you did fantastic! Way to go!
oh man I'm already nervous prior to the race and can't imagine having to also worry about a little one
way to go on the first race
Way to go!! I'm sure you are happy to have your first post-pregnancy race under your belt. You had a great time too. up for the 3-person marathon in Feb again this year?
Kudos to you! Awesome job handling the nursing (too funny) and scoring goal B!
Winks & Smiles,
You did awesome!!!
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