Alternatively titled: Running with others is good for the soul.When I woke up on Sunday, the thermometer outside my bedroom window read -2.
I'm going to run in this? So I went downstairs and looked at the thermometer outside the kitchen window: 3 degrees. Just like
that I had gained five degrees!
Still, it was cold. I bundled up, basing my attire on what I had worn for Saturday's chilly run, and left for the local road runners club race. Driving into Albany, the big billboard that has the time and temperature said it was 4 degrees. Brr!
The HMRRC Winter Series races are held every other week (or thereabout), starting in December and ending with the Winter Marathon and Marathon Relay (which I'm running with Amanda and Suzy) in February. Sunday offered a 5k, 10k and a 25k. At first, I signed up for the 5k but then decided that if I was going to get out there in the cold, I was going to run 10k. And so I did.
But first, I had to meet up with
Suzy and
Amanda! Now, if you will recall, Suzy is the blogger that
I barged in on back in October. So, I had already met her, but I hadn't met Amanda. Well, as I was waffling over which distance to run, I saw Amanda signing up for the 5k and Suzy volunteering at the sign up.
We all chatted like old friends, signed our marathon relay form (woo hoo!) and then Suzy snapped this photo of Amanda and me:

Notice our rocking color coordination! I should have taken off my jacket and then we really would have been some Pinkies!
Anyway . . . the race.
I forgot my Garmin. At first, I was bummed. How was I going to know how I was running (this no-frills race series doesn't offer mile splits or markers of any sort)? Well, I wasn't. I just wouldn't be able to know. Instead, I would have to run by feel. And that's what I did. I just went out there and ran. I ran and ran. Not my fastest, not my slowest. I just ran.
It was terrific! At one point, an older man ran up beside me and said we'd just crossed mile 4 in 32:46. I thanked him and figured he'd run on. Nope. He stayed with me and we chatted for almost a mile. I never do that. I'm a solo runner! I'm no chatter! Or am I?
The mile that we ran together flew by (or so it seemed) and when he took off I was oddly disappointed that I no longer had anyone to run with. Hmm . . . I kept on running and running and crossed the finish line in 51:24.
I haven't run a 10k in forever so I wasn't sure what to expect. And with the weather -- well, the weather wasn't ideal (officially, 9 degrees at the start) but it didn't stop me. I'm proud of that!
After the race I went back inside and learned that Amanda had set a 5k PR! How cool is
that? Super cold day and the girl sets a PR. Rock on!
And what else . . . well, I won a yummy loaf of bread because I was the second place female finisher in my age group (30-39)! Yay!
Here are my stats:10k time: 51:24 (8:16 pace)
Overall place: 51/105
Female place: 13/42
Age-group place (F30-39): 2
The award was nice and an unexpected bonus.
But the best part of the race is that I was buoyed by my running bloggy buddies (just knowing that I was going to meet up with them got me out of the house in the morning, and their wishes of good luck before the race gave me extra pep)
and the camaraderie on the course. Since I normally run alone, I've forgotten how wonderful it can be to run with others. It lifts you up. It gives you a feeling of being
a part of something, not
apart from. Yesterday, that feeling was wonderful. All of us were battling the cold and winning, simply by being out there. We were running together. I loved it.
Ah . . . I feel a little wistful today. I already can't wait for the next race!
I hope you all had a good weekend. Have a great week!
~ FelicePS: There's another giveaway starting today at my
other site: Some shielding lotion to combat winter dry skin. Check it out :-)