After a week of no running, I'm excited to be running a local turkey trot tomorrow. My fingers are crossed that my hamstring/calf/knee issue is a thing of the past -- or, at least, that I don't make it worse by racing! It's only a 5K so, honestly, I should be fine.
Whatever happens, I'm 100% sure that I'll need some sort of run before I start guzzling gravy:

Yeah, don't pretend you don't love gravy!
Good luck to all the turkey trotters tomorrow! Trot ON!
~ Felice
Great picture!! GL tomorrow and take it easy so you don't hurt yourself. And, no, I don't like gravy. (ducking now...)
See you there. Wear your garmin...they don't have chip timing!
Have fun at the TT and Happy Thanksgiving!
Good luck!! Have fun!! :)
Have fun! And if the injury acts up, just trot!!!
Good luck and have fun! I'm running my Turkey Trot to counteract my gravy and stuffing consumption (although I may have to run AGAIN after dinner to really counteract it!).
Good Luck and have fun!!! I am also running a turkey trot!! Have a wonderful thanksgiving!!
Ha! I love that graphic. They'll likely find me dead under a crusted pile of stuffing. Of course the 4mi virtual turkey trot I'm doing before dinner will even everything out. lol
is it wrong to pour gravy in your mouth?! :)
I HATE gravy!! I've never liked it.
.... so instead my potatoes are just dripping in butter. The more butter the better!!
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