Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Just about 5 months in to this pregnancy thing and my bladder seems to have decided it is done. Yikes!

Now, it's not all the time, mostly just when I'm out for a run. And, well, not to be too graphic (is pee talk too graphic?) but I have to pee. Like crazy. Usually the whole time. Where did my bladder go?

Let's take yesterday, for example.

I headed out for a quick run and I immediately felt like I had to pee. But, since I had peed right before I left the house, I knew it was just all the stuff bouncing around inside. So, I kept going. A mile in, I really started to feel like I needed to pee. And then it got serious. I started eying the trees and debating my chances of being caught and slapped with a public urination fine. After a mile and a half, I cut my loop short and started to make my way back to my house the short way. And I felt like crying the whole way.

At just over 2.25 miles into my run, I was home.

I peed and then I was back out to finish my run. Alas, about a mile later I was cursing my bladder all over again. So, I was done. My planned 4.5 miles turned into 3.7 interrupted miles. Sheesh. Is this what I have to look forward to for the next 4-5 months?


But, you know, if having to pee is the worst symptom I have then I really have nothing at all to complain about. I'm just about 5 months preggo and still running fairly well and definitely still enjoying it. When my bladder cooperates, that is!

If you have any tips, please let me know.

Oh! Shifting gears here . . . so, remember how I ran the Winter Marathon Relay? Well, both of my partners from that relay are running the Ragnar Relay this weekend. How jealous am I?!?!? Exactly -- very jealous. Go, Suzy and Amanda!

Have a great day, everyone!

~ Felice

PS: If you haven't entered my Subway giftcard giveaway, check it out here.


ShutUpandRun said...

Yeah that urge to pee is annoying at best. No real advice here except to accept!

alicia. said...

That's tough! Hopefully you'll be able to still get some good runs in with your bladder cooperating.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I have a small bladder anyhow and it was tormented when I ran preggo. Simple solutions - have you tried one of those maternity belts? It can help raise some of the weight off the bladder. Also - the obvious - run on trails, where there are always woods to dash into - or the treadmill, where your bathroom is just a few steps away. :-)

misszippy said...

Feeling for you! That is no fun.

Pining for Pinterest said...

I remember going through that!!! It is probably the postion of the baby. I hope you have a great day :)

Marlene said...

That would drive me crazy!

This might be ridiculous, but I have a friend who is pregnant and she read that you should try leaning forward on the toilet seat while using the washroom to allow your bladder to more completely empty itself?? She said that it seems to have made a difference in how frequently she wakes up to pee at night.

Denise said...

I don't think I've ever had to pee on a, poop...yea, i've had my fair share of having to do that!

Lindsay said...

i have had the phantom pee - which is even more annoying!! i have had 'other' bathroom emergencies more often. having that urge (1 or 2) while running is truly awful!!

Emz said...

total bummer. sorry.
Keep it up though!! Don't stop. It's worth it.

Steel Springs said...

Oh no! It's great that you got back out there after the first break, though. Good luck!

Heidi said...

With both my pregnancies I spent more time in the bathroom than anywere else. My boss probably should have cut my wages in half. HAHAHA For the next little while you may have to plan your routes accordingly.

J said...

Maybe the baby will move and not push on your bladder as much!

Lindsay said...

HATE that!! Sorry!

Tricia said...

hmmm..maybe have a talk with the little one and tell them to move over a bit. :)

Running For Two said...

Thanks for your blog... I somehow found it in the blogger rabbit hole... I actually wrote about this some today on my blog. (I am due August 20).

Lisa said...

Um, this is a running blog, so pee talk is definitely not too graphic! I think this is one of the places where it's absolutely fine to talk about it! haha!

Sorry to hear your run was interrupted, but like you said, you're five months in and feeling good! That's fantastic!

Good luck to your friends this weekend!

MCM Mama said...

Just wait until after you have the second kid. It's a whole new set of pee problems. ;o)

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